CES 2022 | How Women Are Leading the Way to The New Zero World

CES 2022 | How Women Are Leading the Way to The New Zero World

Last week, our CEO Anders A. L. Rodenberg joined the Female Quotient in the virtual Equality Lounge at CES 2022.The purpose of the Equality Lounge was to exchange ideas about building cultures of belonging, gender equity, and recruiting — and retaining — women in leadership roles in big tech. Anders joined a session on How Women Are Leading the Way to The New Zero World moderated by Ann Rosenberg, Wood, with

At the session, we had the opportunity to share data and insights on Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) performance in the Energy industry.We also provided the Female Quotient with data on Black female executives in the US. While we have a long way to go across industries for Black women in leadership, tech is lagging far behind, tied for the worst representation with the automotive and real estate/construction industries. It is time we change the face of tech!

CES is the world’s gathering place for all who thrive on the business of consumer technologies and for 50 years has been the launch pad for new innovation and technology that has changed the world. You can watch the live streaming here (last 30 minutes)

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